Enhancing the Environment for Future Generations

As a large landholder, CRH continues to protect and enhance biodiversity. We operate over 1,200 extraction sites and recognize the role that quarries can play in halting and reversing nature loss, contributing to the global goal of nature positive. CRH is committed to protecting and, where appropriate, enhancing the environments in which we operate.

Our holistic approach to environmental management aims to limit our environmental footprint and create a positive impact on the world around us, one that helps to accelerate the world towards a nature-positive economy.

Key Facts


Group locations noted and managed for biodiversity


million trees planted in the last five years

Case Studies

Examples of how our business is reducing its environmental footprint and protecting biodiversity.

Conserving Migratory Species

The Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover are migratory birds of special conservation concern. Aggregate extraction locations near the basin of the...

Conserving Migratory Species

The Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover are migratory birds of special conservation concern. Aggregate extraction locations near the basin of the Platte River in Nebraska, operated by Lyman-Richey, in CRH’s Americas Division, create important conditions for the rehabilitation of breeding populations. Nests within the quarry are protected and monitored by the Tern and Plover Conservation Partnership. The migratory Monarch butterfly has also suffered an 85% decline over the past 20 years. CRH's Americas Division has established habitat at 22 sites along the butterfly’s migration pathway.

Accelerating Net-Zero Innovation

CRH and Volvo Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate net-zero innovations for next-generation vehicles and equipment in...

Accelerating Net-Zero Innovation

CRH and Volvo Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to accelerate net-zero innovations for next-generation vehicles and equipment in construction. This partnership offers a transition to cleaner operations through the electrification of transportation and elimination of emissions. This includes the first fully electric concrete mixer in the UK which was deployed by Tarmac, in CRH's Europe Division. Volvo Construction Equipment also delivered North America’s first machine made of fossil free steel, an A30G articulated hauler, to Pennsy Supply, in CRH's Americas Division.

Promoting Biodiversity Onsite

In CRH’s Europe Division, Opterra in Germany is restoring orchards in a former quarry, bringing back historic fruit tree varieties to the area....

Promoting Biodiversity Onsite

In CRH’s Europe Division, Opterra in Germany is restoring orchards in a former quarry, bringing back historic fruit tree varieties to the area. Wildflower grassland created beneath the trees is providing pollinator habitat and extending the nearby Natura 2000 European protected grassland site. In Switzerland, JURA Materials recently held a volunteer event to remove non-native plants from one of its sites. And to facilitate Biodiversity Management Plans, EQIOM in France has developed visuals to help staff understand sensitive species and habitats and the actions needed to promote biodiversity.

Safeguarding Biodiversity

At CRH, we proactively manage any environmental impacts arising from our extractive activities and apply the principles of the Mitigation Hierarchy...

Safeguarding Biodiversity

At CRH, we proactively manage any environmental impacts arising from our extractive activities and apply the principles of the Mitigation Hierarchy to avoid, minimize, restore, or offset biodiversity loss. For example, our operating company Tarmac, in CRH's Europe Division, applied the first step of the hierarchy to ‘avoid’ biodiversity loss at its Bellhouse quarry to protect nationally important reptile species. During the extension of the quarry, Tarmac moved common lizards, slow worms, and grass snakes to newly created habitats to help the reptile population thrive and grow.

Our Targets and Progress

2030 Target: 100% of locations in sensitive areas to have a Biodiversity Management Plan
Ongoing Target: Particulates, NOx and SOx air emissions reductions at cement plants

Thriving ecosystems are an essential part of a healthy natural world and underpin the global economy. As a large landholder, CRH continues to protect and enhance biodiversity. We aim to manage biodiversity risks and maximise opportunities by conserving the often-notable species utilising the unique habitats at our sites. We strive to positively impact biodiversity across active areas and non-operational land at our quarries, as well as around our other manufacturing sites and offices.

Clean air is one of our priorities, not only for the sustainability of our business, but for the continued protection of people and our natural world. This is why we are committed to reducing the impact of air emissions by ensuring that we meet the strictest air emissions limits.

Our 2023 performance:

  • 93% of locations in sensitive areas have a Biodiversity Management Plan in place.
  • Our ongoing target is to reduce our specific major air emissions at our cement operations and, in 2023 particulates, NOx, and SOx levels remained at low levels.

Find out more about what we are doing for the Natural World:

2023 Sustainability Performance Report

Collaborating for Biodiversity

Biodiversity loss will not be reversed without collaboration, and that is well recognized and practiced at CRH. Across the countries in which we operate, we are drawing on the knowledge of external experts, including those from academia and non-governmental organizations. These partnerships are enabling us to innovate to drive best practices and support global nature targets.

Wildlife Habitat Council

We have been collaborating with the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) since 2004. This non-profit group combines conservation and business to develop sites as wildlife habitats. These may be large, depleted quarries or small buffer zones between an operating plant and a highway.

Through our continuous engagement with the WHC, we now have over 1,200 hectares of land recognized under their Conservation Certification® scheme, across 17 projects.

Society for Ecological Restoration

As part of our sustainability targets, CRH commits to 100% of our extractive sites having reclamation/restoration plans. Across the countries we are operating in, we are creating and restoring natural habitats for the benefit of wildlife and people.

Therefore, we are very excited to become a business member of the Society for Ecological Restoration in order to share our experiences and continue to learn and collaborate with experts in the field of ecological restoration.