We continuously interact in a transparent manner with the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) rating agencies regarding our Sustainability performance, both at Group and local Operating Company locations. We are proud to have received the following recognitions:

CRH Group


In 2024, CRH received a rating of AAA (on a scale of AAA - CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment.

(The use by CRH plc of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (“MSCI”) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of CRH plc by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided ‘as-is’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.)


CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, collates data on carbon emissions and carbon management on behalf of named institutional investors and rates companies for disclosure and performance.

We have participated in the CDP since 2003. Our 2023 Climate questionnaire was awarded CDP’s highest A score and our Water questionnaire received a B score.


CDP Supplier Engagement

CRH has been recognised by CDP as a Supplier Engagement Leader in 2023, raising the level of climate action across our value chain.


As of December 2024, CRH has an ESG Risk Rating of 17.6 from Sustainalytics and was assessed to be at Low Risk of exposure to different material ESG issues. We continue to be recognised for our strong management of ESG Material Risks in our Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating.

(Copyright ©2024 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved. This section contains information developed by Sustainalytics (www.sustainalytics.com). Such information and data are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third party suppliers (Third Party Data) and are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement of any product or project, nor an investment advice and are not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose. Their use is subject to conditions available at https://www.sustainalytics.com/legal-disclaimers.)



In 2024, we were awarded a Prime rating, the highest relative performance rank by ISS ESG, the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS). Prime rated companies are industry leaders which are well-equipped to mitigate the most prevalent ESG risks.


We performed strongly against our peers in the 2024 S&P Global Annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), and we are a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index.



The FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices.

We continue to be included in the FTSE4Good Index.